The shades suit your face type – 2022 shades purchasing guide

If you didn’t know, the shape of your face is the #1 factor that you should always consider when buying shades. Since there are many face types, we thought about putting everything in one read for your convenience. The types of shades we will be considering will be Aviators, Wayfarers, Circle, Square, Club master, rectangle, and geometric.

Without further ado, let us find out!

Round face

The round face doesn’t need elaboration. But there might be confusion between the oval face. However, a round face has more expanded jaws, and when seen from the front, there’s a clear curve on each side of the face.

You can buy sunglasses of types such as Aviators, Geometric, Square, Rectangle, and Wayfarers. However, Club masters and circular ones aren’trecommended.

Oblong face

If your face is thin, elongated, and doesn’t have sharp jawlines, then your face belongs to the oblong kind which is closer to the rectangular faces. All the types of shades you except for the rectangular ones that can make your face feel a little bit restrained.

Heart face

The heart-shaped face has a very pointy chin while the jaws aren’t curved but rather straight. It’s almost as if the sharpness of inverted triangular faces were smoothened.

Club masters, Wayfarers, Square, and Rectangular ones don’t suit you the best. What you can rock are the Aviators, the circular ones, and the Geometrics.

Oval face

As mentioned before, the oval shape can be identified as a derivation of the circular face or vice versa. But oval faces definitely have more contracted jaws compared to round faces. In comparison to the heart shape, the pointy nature of the chin is not there; it looks around but not as round as a round face. Your face is quite lucky since all the types suit your face like magic.

Square face

When the chin is not pointy but pointed with a rather flat nature with rather well-defined, curve-less jawlines, that’s when a face becomes square shape. Your face can use Aviators, circle ones, Wayfarers, and Club masters although the rest do not exactly fit the best.

Triangle and diamond face

What would happen if the features of a square shape got even defined and pulled outwards? That’s when the triangular face comes to play. The jawline is much defined compared to any of the face types when it comes to triangular shapes. 

The diamond shape is what would happen if the chin of an oval-shaped face was shorted so that the chin would be flatter. The reason why we talk about both the faces under one topic is since their shades’ suitability is much similar.

It is such that, Aviators, Wayfarers, Circular ones, and the Club masters suit and the rest don’t.

In conclusion

In conclusion, everyone has a perfect solution if you’re bothered enough to look for. Thus, be sure to adhere to this guide so that you can rock your pair of shades in the best way in 2022. In doing so, prioritizing online shops is always the right thing to do.

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